Jarrell ISD Board of Trustees

  • The Board of Trustees consists of seven Board members elected to serve, without compensation, for overlapping terms of three years each. They devote their time and energy to making Jarrell ISD a destination district. Watch the video to see why a school board is so important. 


    We, the Board of Trustees of the Jarrell Independent School District, believe that Jarrell ISD is more than a learning community. Jarrell ISD is a family. We believe our community has the most capable students and that our students’ families are worthy of our best leadership effort. We believe teachers respond to a noble call when they take on the role of an educator, and we are committed to making sure educators feel supported as they exercise their gift at Jarrell ISD.

    We believe every aspect of our community should contribute positively to the safety and education of our students and that the Board must lead in fulfilling this charge.

    We, the Board, are fully committed to regularly evaluating our actions and performance and commit to using the outcome of those evaluations to improve continuously. Furthermore, we make these commitments to our community:

    • Represent our community with pride.
    • Seek buy-in from families as often as possible.
    • Work to make families feel wanted and welcome.
    • Recognize the hard work of our students and teachers.
    • Work to build an inclusive culture.
    • Inspire faith in our system.
    • Build collaborative relationships throughout the community.
    • Work professionally and thoughtfully as a focused board of trustees.

    To ensure the Board conducts its business in an orderly fashion and fulfills its commitment to oversee the education of our students, the Board adopts these operating procedures in addition to statutes required by law. The Board will amend these procedures as required by statute and to fulfill its commitment to the Jarrell Independent School District.