- Jarrell Ind School District
- Board Responsibilities
The duties of the Board are broad in scope. The Board's primary function is that of a policy-making body. Beyond establishing policies and regulations for the operation of the district, the Board also:
- Identifies district needs and goals
- Conducts elections
- Employs certified personnel
- Approves the budget
- Sets the district's tax rate
- Approves purchase of property
- Awards bids
- Approves building plans and accepts projects
- Serves as an appellate body
- Serves on standing committees (building, finance, policy/personnel, city/school liaison) or temporary committees as identified for special purposes.
Operating within the legal parameters of the state and federal constitutions, statutes, courts, and administrative agencies, the Board is responsible for providing the finest educational program possible for the students in the district. School trustees make all final decisions regarding school district priorities, policies, personnel, textbooks, expenditures, and growth management. In addition, trustees adopt a budget necessary to maintain and operate the schools, levy taxes to support the budget, and submit bond issues to the district's citizens to finance construction projects.
The Board of Trustees consists of seven Board members elected to serve, without compensation, for overlapping terms of three years each. Elections are conducted annually in November. While candidates run for specific places, they do not represent specific geographical areas; each represents JISD at large. Following the annual election, the Board elects a president, vice-president, and secretary to serve for one-year terms.
The School Board appoints the Superintendent of Schools as the chief administrator and executive officer. With the assistance of her staff, the Superintendent directs, guides, and coordinates the total educational and administrative program in accordance with Board policies and the rules and regulations of the Texas Education Agency. In addition, she attends all Board meetings and brings recommendations to the Board for action in carrying out the school district's business.
Regular board meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month, at 6:30 p.m., in the Jarrell ISD Annex Cafeteria, 508 N. Fifth Street, Jarrell. The agenda and location are posted 72 hours prior to the meeting, and the agenda is available at the location at the time of the meeting. Items for the regular board agenda are required to be placed on the agenda by noon, at least five working days prior to the date of the meeting.
All regular board meetings are public. However, a public meeting is not an open forum. Instead, public participation is limited to the public comment section so that the Board may deliberate important decisions without distraction or interference.
For more information regarding meetings of the Board of Trustees, call the JISD Administration Building at 512.746.2124.